('It' is meant for religion/almighty/the god as it's shapeless, non-human, gender neutral and even non-human is 'It' as we studied in grammar)
As far as I grew up with the feeding of 'feeling, keeping, praying, respecting, believing has given me enough reasons in this age to not understand that way.
Of course it's a perspective.
It's so easy to blame it, frame it, hang it or honour it. You know why it's so simple? May be because it doesn't react? That's the thing. We know our Presidents. Any blames on them?
Isn't it said like 'the imagination of fear is more fearful'. That's the weakness we are made to cultivate. We are made 'to forget to listen to our selves'.
There is always a logic to keep the stones in tact through the string (I think except the feel, it's a wrong proverb). It's an attempt to create a society with certain aspects. So there are traditions bonded with each religious activities. Can you make out that same religion is followed in little specific method in different geography? This is it, we are not following religions. We are following traditions perceived from those religions in a way that suits us.
At few places in application forms we do write the religions we follow. I get quite bad feeling while filling it.
It's such a big issue world wide, still no where it's taken into consideration, except you are really suspicious. People may fake for age, education, work ex., country, money, gender XsexX. But there is no evidence as of yet for faking religion till today.(it's my stats.) Who gives a dam? So who gives a dam to fake too? Probably all are so proud to be born in that religion? Who cares to choose? Only celebs or poor may?
See it's one of a path breaking, nerve shaking, balls rolling way to change your life. Celebs and poor try for that and more among them are doing that (news says). Your society changes, ethos changes, language changes, habits changes and if you follow (cause you are new to it and excited) you discover the self you never imagined you had.
We choose from options every day. We like options in everything and we work to create options everyday. Why are we stuck to one religion all the time? (In case you are thorough) Are we satisfied? Are we not able to move if the traditions bonded in that religion sucks? After all, we are trying to thrive in a society and these religions are nothing but the mascot of the society. Festivals, Funerals,Births,Marriages....Traditionally tainted religions.
I'm confused. I have heard so powerful facts about one religion. So much contemptible about others. I would not be surprised to hate them. And all know their part of stories too. Why I don't hate my friend who follows it? Why I hate my brother? Cause neither me, not my friend and neither my brother follow a religion. We all follow traditions...set and fed.
BTW: 'To Follow'- To me is a dedicated way such as one can reach the 'light/moksha/freedom' shown by the religion while alive. It should be entirely peaceful,hurt none and protects self at least till an extent.
Some facts why god is not able to reach everywhere?
- Scientists says, the space is ever expanding. The work load expands for Gods proportionately.
- Because they were just extinct species. However they were big but so were Dinosaurs?
- There are too many right here on earth, they can solve your any problem. You gotta earn more to solve your problems.
- No need. There are no credible "Evils" out there. Nowadays, each of us is almost same. Cool, Calm and Coward.
- They are served food, which is taken back in a minute.
- Intelligence is spoiling their market. Doctors are getting brilliant, Scientists are making them nervous. They are busy making things more complicated. As we know today.
- They are not multi linguistic. They don't know Chinese. And other are thousands of language less Tribes.
- They got better species somewhere else to play with
- Because huge part of religious population is against it's possible existence on earth. How dare they even come back?
- Probably, they stay in USA.
- Path is shown, all are not able 'TO Follow' the way I defined.
Anyways, that was for fun. Hope you mind it the way it's meant.
So points is, why to believe in something which none has ever ever felt?
I get few psychological aspects. Wow, but I have no degree. Still put my name in any presentation if you show any of this.
We may call it positive thinking? What do we actually do by praying?
Ask, submit and go with confidence that it's gonna take care of u?
Now, remove this ask and submit part. Just have confidence that you are gonna take care of your self. Chuk that..that's the point. Who believes in self these days? Let's put it on someone else and do as if it was a charity. And see you succeed, only when you got lucky with the hard work you did. Who gets the credit? Of course, you'll say 'My prayer worked'...
I see Religions are best used to stop filling guilt for selves.
(We rarely do charity. It's the easiest thing to execute except deciding to.)
My future world will have only set of rules. Even self discipline will be taken care of. Yes all taken from religions. But Religions will be defeated one day. They should be.
(Find some loop holes in here. Write me back)
But who is the God? If he is there, why handles like this?
Oh there must be too many, who to control?..Must be an MBA chaos.
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